Acid Calm 90s – Enzyme Science


2 in stock


Enzyme Science


Description by Enzyme Science:

Provides relief for occasional heartburn and indigestion.*
Enzymes to aid digestion*
Soothing botanicals Marshmallow Root and Gotu Kola*
With PepZinGI® Zinc Carnosine
Occasional heartburn after a meal is often a symptom of impaired digestion due to lifestyle and poor dietary choices. A deficiency in the natural production of digestive enzymes may be an underlying cause of gastrointestinal complaints including occasional heartburn.

Acid Calm™ supports those who experience occasional heartburn by helping to better digest problem foods, while also providing long-term support for the function of the GI system.* Zinc carnosine is included to optimize the mucosal lining of the stomach, acting as a buffer to gastric acid.*